
Amazing benefits of desiccated beef liver

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amazing benefits of desiccated beef liver
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The amazing benefits of desiccated beef liver is a long one. From health to beauty, I’m going to take you down a deep dive on all of them.

Nose to tail eating is a practice that has sadly been lost in this generation. Throughout history, traditional foods have included rich broths and a wide variety of organ meats.

What is desiccated beef liver?

To start, let’s discuss what desiccated means and why it matters. This organ meat is possibly the most nutrient-dense food you can find in mother nature and is also known as “natures multivitamin.” 

Liver from ruminant animals like cows, bison, venison, elk and lamb are wonderfully nutritious. Livers from chickens, ducks, pigs and other animals too.

Desiccated beef liver simply means dried. Any liver in a capsule is desiccated, whether freeze dried or dried some other way. Freeze drying has been shown to optimally preserve nutritional content. This is a great option for people who prefer to take it in supplement form instead of actually eating it, which is what I prefer as well.

The amazing health benefits of desiccated beef liver

I’m going to discuss a few reasons why liver is “natures multivitamin” because it is one of the richest sources of almost all vitamins and minerals.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the many micronutrients you can get from liver:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin k2
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12
  • Folate
  • Choline
  • Betaine
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Selenium

It also contains all 3 macronutrients: carbs, protein, and fat.

Beef liver is loaded with vitamin A which is essential for thyroid health, immune function, eye health, and it supports the lungs, heart, kidneys and other organs.

Per serving, liver is one of the richest sources of Vitamin A and Copper you can get. A powerhouse for minerals. You know how very important these two nutrients are to fertility and pregnancy, but also to overall metabolic functions and the proper management of iron, another important nutrient. Liver is truly a hormone healing food.

In “Real food for pregnancy,” Lily Nichols, R.D discusses how 70% of women don’t consume liver don’t meet their daily vitamin A requirements. That’s a lot of women!

This may surprise you, but liver is also one of the highest sources of folate. Yup, you can get more folate per serving from liver than most plant-based sources.

Liver is also an excellent source of choline, which is especially great if you’re intolerant to eggs (the next highest source of choline).

CATTLE IN an open field, why you should be consuming beef liver.
Some other amazing beef liver health benefits are:
  • Contains concentrated, high-quality protein
  • Improves energy
  • Increases endurance
  • Builds and repairs muscles
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Improves digestion
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Strengthens the respiratory system
  • Supports heart health
  • Balances blood sugar
  • Helps maintain good cholesterol levels
  • Reverses iron deficiency and anemia

The beauty benefits of desiccated beef liver

Beef liver isn’t the first thought that comes to mind when thinking about beauty foods, but it should be and here’s why:

  1. Collagen production: Desiccated beef liver contains high levels of collagen-building nutrients like vitamin C, copper, and glycine. These nutrients help to promote collagen production in the body, which can improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  2. Skin health: The high vitamin A content in beef liver can help to improve skin health by reducing acne, minimizing fine lines and wrinkles, and promoting skin cell turnover.
  3. Strong and healthy hair: Desiccated beef liver is rich in iron, which is essential for healthy hair growth. Iron deficiency can cause hair loss, so consuming beef liver can help prevent this issue.
  4. Strong and healthy nails: Desiccated beef liver is also a good source of biotin, which is essential for strong and healthy nails.
  5. Beef liver is the ultimate workout supplement. It has been proven to increase muscle growth and also has anti-fatigue properties, which in return results in better workouts because your stamina is up.  Taking desiccated beef liver capsules can be used both pre-workout and post-workout to increase strength and muscular endurance. 
Beef liver benefits list of examples for kids

Can children have beef liver?

Nose to tail organ meats is totally safe and incredibly valuable for kids of all ages, even toddlers. As soon as kids are having their first solid foods it’s fine for them to eat organ meats, as they would have evolutionarily!

Beef liver contains many of the nutrients lacking in children’s diets these days like vitamin A, riboflavin, folate, k2, copper, choline, zinc, and amino acids. These nutrients are foundational building blocks and deficiencies in these can present in a multitude of ways impacting kids both physically and mentally.

When consuming fresh organs, it’s important to make sure that it comes from a trusted source. I always ensure that the cows were grass-fed and grass-finished and lived in open pastures.

If you’d like to go the freeze-dried route (which I do for my toddler) I suggest starting your kids with Beef organs or desiccated beef liver. Both are great for overall health and wellness.

Start with a dose of one capsule twice a day (if they are old enough to swallow pills) or with meals. It is best to mix the capsule contents into already cooked food to prevent heat from damaging the nutrients. For my toddler I mix it in with his PB&J, applesauce, yogurt, oatmeal, ground beef, eggs, or smoothies. So many options! Solid Starts has some great recommendations on other ways to serve liver to your infant/toddler.

Desiccated beef liver and pregnancy

The biggest controversy here is surrounding vitamin A during pregnancy. Hold on tight this one’s a biggie!

In traditional cultures, vitamin A rich foods are prioritized for pregnant women to ensure that the mother and baby are healthy. This makes sense as vitamin A helps cells proliferate and ensure proper organ development during pregnancy.

I believe the Weston A. Price Foundation says it best when they emphasize the importance of vitamin A: “After the formation of all the organ systems, vitamin A supports their growth. Chronic vitamin A deficiency during pregnancy compromises the liver, heart, and kidney and impairs lung growth and development during the last weeks of gestation.”

Unfortunately, pregnant women are advised to avoid vitamin A rich foods like beef liver and cod liver oil. This recommendation is common because of a study done that linked some birth defects to vitamin A supplementation. The key here is that 1.) there was a correlation, not causation and 2.) that it was a recall study, which means the participants were called on the phone and asked to complete a survey. This kind of study typically has a very low accuracy rate.

Beef liver has a lot of vitamin A, but it also has a significant serving of copper, which works with vitamin A in the body. While supplementing with an isolated version of vitamin A may be too much (even though studies show this isn’t an issue), eating the real thing provides a lower dose of vitamin A with other essential nutrients.

The richest sources of vitamin A are beef liver, grass-fed dairy, and fatty fish. You can’t go wrong with these nutrient dense foods. If in doubt about your retinol levels, you can easily get a blood test done. Ask your doctor or go through a Request A test online.

Benefits of desiccated beef liver postpartum

Pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum are extremely taxing on your body and nutrient stores.

Our ancestors used things like organ meats, bone broth, and fatty meats/soups to nourish women after childbirth and our culture has gotten away from these nourishing traditions.

  1. Iron replenishment: Postpartum women are at risk of iron deficiency anemia due to blood loss during delivery. Desiccated beef liver is an excellent source of heme iron, which is more easily absorbed by the body than non-heme iron found in plant-based foods. Consuming desiccated beef liver can help replenish iron levels and prevent or treat anemia.
  2. Nutrient-dense food: Desiccated beef liver is a nutrient-dense food that contains high levels of vitamin A, vitamin B12, folate, and other important vitamins and minerals. Consuming this food can help postpartum women meet their nutritional needs and support overall health and well-being.
  3. Hormone balance: Desiccated beef liver is a good source of copper, which plays an important role in hormone synthesis and regulation. Consuming this food can help support healthy hormone balance postpartum.
  4. Boosts energy: Desiccated beef liver is a rich source of vitamin B12, which is essential for energy production. Consuming this food can help postpartum women overcome fatigue and boost energy levels.

Side effects of beef liver

For those who have histamine or severe allergies some side effects can occur.

  • Anxiety
  • Heart palpitations
  • Mood
  • depression
  • unable to control bladder
  • skin flushing

These symptoms above are usually due to a histamine intolerance. If you also have a history of being very sensitive to your environment or allergies these symptoms can occur as well. Generally speaking, beef liver is very safe to consume and if you have side effects because of these conditions you just want to start out with smaller doses to build on tolerance. There are also beef liver supplements that help those with histamine issues like this one.

If you are extremely sensitive and deal with a lot of allergies, intolerances, frequent hives, etc. I highly recommend liver in its food form. Swallow tiny frozen pieces, start with one. It can literally be the size of a pencil. Or you can start with just a tiny sprinkle from the capsule.

It feels pointless and like it’s not worth it to do but it absolutely is! You have to start somewhere and there’s zero shame in starting slow.

Another tip is to ramp up your histamine support. Here are a few tips to support seasonal allergies:

  1. Bee pollen/local honey/royal jelly
  2. homeopathics or allergena
  3. quercetin
  4. nettle tea/tincture
  5. butterbur
  6. combo products like Hista-Eaze, Allerease or Dhist
  7. Magnesium
  8. Xclear nasal spray

For kids with lots of allergies, sensitivities or autoimmunity, histamine intolerance or oxalate sensitivity. Multi organ supplements may be a better option because it contains multiple organs instead of just liver which provides a broader range of nutrients and peptides to provide support for the immune system.

How much desiccated beef liver should you take?

Liver is so nutrient dense, you don’t have to consume a lot!

3-4oz per week is perfect to meet your nutritional needs. This amount will not result in any form of vitamin toxicity. Ensure that it is grass fed and pasture raised-quality is super important.

You can eat small amounts daily or consume it all at once – whichever you prefer! Force of nature makes great beef blends that have added liver to it.

Alternatively, I would consider a desiccated beef liver supplement. To determine the best dose for you, find out how many ounces are equal to the recommended dose on the package. Some companies dosing is way too high (Ex- Ancestral Supplements is one, don’t take 6caps daily as this would equal 7oz of liver per week).

I personally take perfect supplements Beef liver capsules on weeks that I do not consume whole food liver through my meals. 4 capsules daily is equivalent to 3oz of liver per week.

Is it possible to consume too much liver?

Beef liver is a powerhouse and is battery packed with an abundance of nutrients. While eating liver may be beneficial to some or to all at some point, the possibility of “too much of a good thing” does exist. Especially when it comes to Vitamin A.

Pay attention to how you feel. If you get cold immediately after consuming liver, you probably had too much in one sitting. My personal bias is not to exceed more than 100-200 grams of liver per week, and enjoying it as smaller portions throughout the week, as opposed to all-in-one sitting. This is also another reason why I love consuming it in supplement form because I moderate my exact intake.

It is important to consume beef liver in moderation and to balance your intake with other nutrient-dense foods to avoid consuming too much of any one nutrient. However, it is a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian if you have any concerns about your diet or nutrient intake.

The best desiccated beef liver supplements

Don’t want to actually eat liver? Fortunately, the amazing benefits of desiccated beef liver can be achieved through high-quality supplements.

The number one brand that I recommend is PERFECT SUPPLEMENTS. They are the only Desiccated Liver to Receive Perfectly Pure Certification (learn more) and the only glyphosate residue free Desiccated Liver.

However, for kids or adults with lots of allergies, sensitivities, or autoimmunity, histamine intolerance or oxalate sensitivity, MULTI-ORGANS may be a better option because it contains multiple organs instead of just liver. This will provide a broader range of nutrients and peptides to support for the immune system.

Now that you’re educated on the amazing benefits of desiccated beef liver, will you be adding this to your regimen?!


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional, and this post should not be taken as medical advice. Please do your own research. Material on this blog is provided for informational purposes only. It is general information that may not apply to you as an individual and is not a substitute for your own doctor’s medical care or advice.

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