
How to reduce toxic load in your body

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young women with blonde hair reading a book about how to reduce toxic load in the body after eating a healthy breakfast at the table
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Our bodies are designed to eliminate toxins because it is impossible to avoid toxins completely. But when we use and consume a little bit of toxins here and there, hundreds of times a day, it adds up and our bodies start giving us warning signs that it can no longer keep up to the filtration. But how do you reduce toxic load in your body?

It’s never too late to start healing your body and incorporating a low-toxic lifestyle. In this article I break down all about what toxic load really is and simple ways to reduce toxic load in your life.

What is toxic load?

When we talk about toxic load, we are referring to the amount of toxins and harmful substances that build up in our body over time. These toxins can come from external sources like pollution, pesticides, and processed foods, as well as internal sources like stress and inflammation.

Toxic load is an important concept to understand because it highlights the importance of taking steps to reduce our exposure to harmful substances and supporting our body’s natural detoxification processes. This might include making changes to our diet and lifestyle, using natural cleaning and personal care products, and engaging in practices like yoga and meditation to manage stress.

A info graph on the benefits of reducing toxic load in the body. Better mental clarity, decreased risk of chronic diseases, clearer skin, improved immune function.

Why reduce your toxic load?

By reducing our toxic load and supporting our body’s natural detoxification processes, we can promote better health and wellbeing, both now and in the long term.

Here is a brief list of the benefits by reducing the toxic load in your body:

  1. Improved overall health
  2. Better mental clarity
  3. More energy
  4. Lowering the risk of chronic diseases
  5. Improved skin health
  6. Better sleep
  7. Strengthened immunity
  8. Environmental implications

What are the symptoms of toxic load?

When our body is exposed to these toxins, it can become overwhelmed and unable to effectively eliminate them, leading to a buildup of harmful substances in our tissues and organs. This can ultimately result in a range of health issues, from fatigue and brain fog to more serious conditions like cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Here are some common symptoms of toxic overload in the body:

  1. Fatigue: When the body is constantly exposed to toxins, it can become fatigued and unable to function properly. This can cause feelings of exhaustion even after getting enough sleep.
  1. Skin irritation: Toxic overload can lead to skin rashes, acne, and other types of skin irritation. This is because toxins can cause damage to the skin’s protective barrier, making it more susceptible to irritation and inflammation.
  1. Digestive issues: Chronic exposure to toxins can cause digestive problems such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and stomach pain. This is because toxins can damage the intestinal lining and disrupt the gut microbiome.
  1. Headaches: Toxins can cause headaches and migraines by triggering inflammation in the brain, affecting blood flow and causing tension in the muscles.
  1. Joint pain and stiffness: Chronic exposure to toxins can lead to joint pain and stiffness. This is because toxins can promote inflammation in the joints, leading to joint damage and pain.
  1. Mood changes: Toxins can affect brain function and cause mood changes such as depression, anxiety, and irritability.
  1. Respiratory problems: Exposure to toxins can cause breathing difficulties, coughing, and wheezing. This is because toxins can irritate the lungs and cause inflammation.
  1. Hormonal imbalances: Toxins can disrupt hormone levels in the body, leading to issues such as irregular periods, infertility, and other reproductive issues.
  1. Poor immune function: Constant exposure to toxins can lead to a weakened immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections and diseases.

How to reduce your toxic load

True detoxification takes time. We’re talking years of accumulated stress and toxins. 

Just like you aren’t accumulating a heavy burden of toxins overnight, you can’t unload the burden all at once! Patience is key, my friend.

Support detoxification pathways naturally

While we are constantly bombarded by environmental toxins and endocrine disrupters on a daily basis, one thing we do have in our control is to support our detoxification pathways.

For our body’s natural detoxification system to work, it’s important to ensure our drainage pathways are OPEN and functioning well so the body can effectively REMOVE toxins and waste coming out of our cells (instead of just recirculating them).⁣

There are several pathways the body uses to detoxify itself, each with its own unique job to keep us healthy and feeling good.

supporting drainage pathways for optimal detoxification and to reduce toxid load in the body

The liver is our body’s primary detoxification organ for our hormones. If the liver is overburdened with toxicants, physical damage, inflammation, infection, or other stressors, it can be difficult for the body to efficiently regulate hormones. Antioxidants are important for a healthy liver. The antioxidants found in pumpkin seeds may be powerful free radical scavengers and overall reduce inflammation. 

I love to support my liver with a liver detox supplement that I rotate. You can also consider doing a full 21 day detox on the liver. I recommend THIS OPTION if you haven’t been focused on reducing your toxic load for quite some time, this will help immensely.


Think of the gastrointestinal system as the drain in the bathtub; nothing can detox adequately if that aspect of our health is not working properly. Flax, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, and hemp seeds contain fiber that supports a healthy gut microbiome and regular stool frequency (relieve constipation and bind loose stools).

I like to incorporate coffee enemas at home to help get out any built-up stools. FYI, you feel fantastic afterwards! You can also take this tincture to help relieve any constipation.


The kidneys filter and flush toxic waste from your blood and turn the by-products into urine. In order for the kidneys to be able to filtrate properly, proper hydration is essential. Aim for at least ½ your body weight in oz. Make sure your water is filtered and add some celtic sea salt to get in minerals. 


The skin is the largest organ and aids detoxification by sweating out toxins. Sweating daily through exercise or infrared saunas is paramount to release built up toxins.


The lymphatic system helps to remove waste from cells while supporting the immune system. In order for this system to detox properly, fluid must flow freely. One way to support lymphatic flow is through gentle movement and dry brushing.


The lungs filter the air that we breathe in. One way to support the natural detoxification process of the lungs is to take moments throughout your day and breathe deeply.

Also avoid smoking, second hand smoke, and toxic air fresheners, perfumes, and cleaning products. These toxic chemicals can affect your lungs. 

a cartoon character of a girl thinking about where do I begin in reducing my toxic load in my body.

Get to know your cleaning products

A new, independent study based on 20 years of research reveals a sobering fact:

Cleaning your home with national brand cleaners significantly damages lung tissue. Almost all the cleaning products that you buy at the grocery store are made with a multitude of harmful chemicals. According to the study, some of the likely culprits are ammonia, chlorine bleach, and quaternary disinfectant compounds. The study also showed that cleaning with products that contain dangerous chemicals as little as once per week was as damaging over time to respiratory health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years!

Scientific Study on Household Cleaning Products and Women’s Lung Health Explained (melaleucajournal.com)

My favorite DIY cleaning solution is 1:2 ratio of distilled white vinegar and water with a few drops of castile soap. I put this into an amber glass spray bottle and use it for just about everything!! It’s a great solution for kitchen counters, windows, shower glass doors, and more. Even for mopping you can just use hot water with a few drops of castile soap and if you like a scent you can use a few drops of essential oils. 

Some clean brands that I recommend:

Choose to eat real whole foods

You really want to avoid processed foods. Processed foods often contain additives like preservatives, artificial colors or flavors, and other chemicals that can be harmful to your health. Stick with whole foods as much as possible.

You want to choose organic foods whenever possible. Organic foods are free from pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers that can accumulate in your body over time. By choosing organic produce and grass-fed meats, you reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals.

Filter your drinking and showering water

It’s important to stay hydrated to help flush out toxins but even more important that you are avoiding tap water and most spring water in plastic bottles. 

Besides fluoride, which can help leach lead from certain water pipes, tap water can also contain:

  • Chlorine
  • PFAS
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Birth control
  • Pesticides

And much more. You can check what is in your tap water HERE.

It’s important to make sure you’re drinking the right water. That’s right — not all water is created equal, so it’s a good idea to make sure you’re using a good quality filtration system like this one. I would also consider using a shower filter too. Start your day with a glass of warm lemon water and celtic sea salt. Not only is this great for hydration, but it also helps detoxify your system.

Now besides water, here are some other sources of fluoride you should be aware of:

  • Tea
  • Cookware
  • Toothpaste
  • Coffee
  • Kombucha
  • Beer
  • Prescription drugs

Fluoride is a cumulative poison which means it accumulates in the body. In fact, in adults only 50% gets removed by the kidneys – while the rest gets stored in your body. While in young children, close to 80% remains in the body.

To detox fluoride from your body the first step is to eliminate your exposure. This article here does a great job in outlining a complete guide.

Stop using plastic

Chemicals in plastic can be very harmful. Plastic contains harmful chemicals such as BPA, phthalates, and PVC that can leach into food and water. These chemicals can disrupt hormones, affect reproduction, and increase the risk of cancer.

There are many alternatives to plastic available today such as glass, metal, bamboo, or even silicone-based containers that don’t contain harmful chemicals like BPA. You want to store and heat all food in glass containers.

Furthermore, by reducing your use of plastic, you’re supporting sustainable practices that protect both your health and the environment from toxic overload.

Fill your home with air purifying plants

Pollutants within the air we breathe are almost impossible to avoid, hence making indoor air quality 5x worse than outside air quality!

You can naturally purify the air with plants. They will absorb chemicals, absorb excess carbon dioxide, and release fresh oxygen and clean air.

Top plants that purify the air are:

  1. snake plant
  2. spider plant
  3. peace lily
  4. bamboo palm
  5. devil’s ivy
  6. Chinese evergreen
  7. Dracaena
  8. Barberton daisy
  9. weeping fig
  10. money tree plant
  11. English ivy

Detox your beauty cabinet

Asbestos, formaldehyde, lead aren’t exactly the words you think of when you’re purchasing your favorite personal care products. 

It’s a little ironic that the products we use to enhance our outer beauty may be doing the opposite to our insides.

Sadly, toxic chemicals in our cosmetics, sunscreens and skin care products have gone unregulated as far back as the Great Depression. Conversely, while other countries have taken action to protect their citizens from chemicals linked to cancer and reproductive harm, the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t even require the basic safety testing of ingredients in personal care products before they’re used.

Make the switch to green beauty products to avoid allergic reactions and endocrine-disrupting chemicals, which may have negative side effects, even at small doses. 

You can download the “Think dirty” app to help determine whether or not what you have or are thinking of buying is potentially toxic. I also recommend using the EWG website. It is very informative and updated with hundreds of products that you can check on.

Stimulate your lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is responsible for removing waste and toxins from the body and plays a crucial role in having healthy hormones.

Want to know how you can support the lymphatic system? Here are the top ways!

  1.  Exercise

Any form of exercise, especially cardio & strength training, helps to stimulate lymphatic flow by increasing blood circulation and muscle contractions, which aids in the movement of lymph.

  1. Massage
A infographic on things that increase our lymph flow

Lymphatic drainage massage can stimulate lymphatic flow by using gentle, rhythmic movements to encourage the movement of lymphatic fluid.

  1. Dry brushing

Using a dry brush with soft bristles to brush the skin in circular motions helps to stimulate lymphatic flow by improving circulation.

  1. Rebounding

Rebounding or jumping on a trampoline is a low-impact exercise that helps to stimulate lymphatic flow by creating gravitational changes to help move lymphatic fluid.

  1. Yoga

Certain yoga postures like downward-facing dog, shoulder stand, and twists stimulate lymphatic flow by compressing and releasing the lymph nodes.

  1. Hydrotherapy

Alternating hot & cold water in the shower, or soaking in a hot tub followed by a cold shower, can help to stimulate lymphatic flow by increasing circulation & reducing inflammation.


Reducing your toxic load is a crucial step towards achieving optimal health and well-being. By making simple lifestyle changes such as eating whole foods, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding harsh chemicals in products, you can significantly reduce the amount of toxins that accumulate in your body. Additionally, incorporating regular exercise and stress-reducing activities like meditation or yoga can also help to support detoxification processes within the body. Remember, small changes can make a big difference when it comes to reducing your toxic load and improving overall health. Be patient and consistent!

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Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional, and this post should not be taken as medical advice. Please do your own research. Material on this blog is provided for informational purposes only. It is general information that may not apply to you as an individual and is not a substitute for your own doctor’s medical care or advice.

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  1. Great information! I didn’t know that even Kombucha can contain Fluoride. I will have to be careful with the Kombuchas that I buy.

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