HI, Im jess bandy, the research junkie

Welcome! I’m so grateful you’re here!

I’m humbled that you trust me and want my perspective on so many topics that I cover in this blog. I don’t ever want to take that trust for granted. Everything I share with my community is to encourage you to be your own health advocate. Think of my page as a springboard for topics you want to learn more about, questions you can start asking, and things you can start researching! Many people go through their life without ever questioning what they believe (I’ve been there!), but the process of questioning and collecting evidence for your beliefs can change everything.

My question for you is, are you willing to wreck the entire foundation upon which you stand for the pursuit of truth? If you are then you will come out a better thinker.


of how I was led to this current lifestyle is a lengthy one. My tagline is quite a punchline. Over 14 years ago I led a life that was filled with recreational drug use, abusive relationships, very unhealthy and poor habits, and walking on an ungodly path. I saw no way out of it and truthfully didn’t even know where to begin. I’ve had many close encounters to my life being taken, but God clearly had a plan for me. There were many nights, sitting alone in a cold empty apartment just crying and wishing for a way out of my body. I felt hopeless and at the time never felt safe to express my feelings to anyone.

My rock bottom..

was when I ended up getting arrested, spent the night in jail and the next morning appearing before a judge. That day I felt like I was watching myself stand there outside my body. How did I end up here? Wasn’t I “taught” better than this? Why am I such a disappointment? I was put on a bond. No one showed up for me that day. Not one friend, not one family member. By the grace of God, a gentleman that was a bails bondman had recognized me. He lived in the same apartment complex as me. He ended up bailing me out, a favor that he will never know, changed my life immensely. I immediately got out and went to an inpatient program where I spent 3 weeks detoxing. When I got out, I moved away from my hometown. Away from it all, to start fresh with no distractions. One of my dear friends took me in, another person who has impacted my life in so many positive ways. I remained in an outpatient program for a year, alongside therapy. I started working 3 jobs to make ends meet. Although I was “clean” from drugs, I never knew the impact of the food I was consuming and how much it played a role in my nervous system and mental health. I hardly took care of myself, ate out just about every other day, smoked cigarettes, and never exercised. I started to focus on the step in front of me and not the whole staircase.

I pursued a career..

in becoming a licensed optician. The Lord definitely laid this one on my lap. He knew what I needed, and it was time to put all my focus and energy into my future. One thing about myself is I do have a very addictive personality. Which in the past has led me to very poor behaviors. Fast forward to the future and I have taken, what some would say a “flaw”, and have used it to my advantage to create the life I’m living now. I have a “all or nothing” type of personality. Once I put my mind to something, that’s it. I have tunnel vision until I complete that goal. I passed both of my national certifications, and following that my state practical, and became licensed in 2017. One of my biggest achievements. During that time, I went on a path of getting healthier, started exercising, quit smoking, and focused on what made me feel good inside and out. I lost 30lbs and discovered that working out was key to my mental health. This is when I became “addicted” to research. I spent many nights going down deep rabbit holes. My whole world, as I knew it, was about to change forever. I felt like I was being reborn. With every article, every book, every podcast, every video, I just kept searching for more and more answers. I would binge on all different topics like health, politics, science, nutrition, you name it, I was reading about it. I have become very educated on many topics by simply doing research, trial and error with my own health journey, and becoming my own advocate.

In 2020..

I purchased my first beautiful home, and I became pregnant with my first baby. God blessed me at the most perfect time. I couldn’t have imagined a better time in my life than in that moment to become pregnant. Although nervous, He knew it was what I needed. My research went deep once I was pregnant. I was learning all about natural birth, how hospitals are a business, how to advocate for myself, how much of what I learned about birth (and well just about everything at this point) was the complete opposite of what I was taught. My diligent research and preparation led me to the most beautiful labor. I gave birth to my baby boy Noah on July 20, 2021 at 7:31am. I had a successful natural birth with not one drug administered to myself or Noah. It was an experience that will forever be embedded in my heart.

I have been living a low toxic holistic lifestyle for some time now. I really focus on getting back to my ancestral roots. When it comes to nourishing myself and my family I focus on whole, unprocessed foods. Healthy animal protein and fats, fresh ingredients, sustainably grown/raised crops and animal products, NON-GMO, and pesticide free whenever possible. The impact food has on your health and well-being is unmatched and should not be ignored.

Some of the most beautiful and challenging chapters in our lives won’t have a title until much later. I started this blog to help like-minded people to start thinking for themselves. To start taking charge of their health and not relying on the system. To help educate and empower you to make informed decisions. For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you. I hope my story inspires you!

little girl holding a chicken in a corn field

A Glimpse into my life