How to protect yourself from EMF’s

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Woman holding a phone, how to protect yourself from EMF exposure

Is EMF exposure really a big deal?

EMF’s are getting more and more press these days and for a good reason! More and more research is coming out about EMF’s and their negative impacts. As a result, fears are amplifying about possible connections between EMF and adverse health effects on humans, other living beings, and the environment. How to protect yourself from EMF’s is becoming crucial.

  • Mold grows 600x faster in the presence of EMF’s. EMF’s threaten mold and can cause even more mycotoxins to be released. (Hello mold toxicity)
  • EMF’s have been linked to chronic symptoms such as headaches, thyroid dysfunction, tingling/numbness, fatigue and more. (Hello chronic illness)
  • The US national toxicology program study on cell phone radiation found “clear evidence” of cancer, heart damage, and heart and brain cancers.
  • The Ramazzini institute study corroborated the NTP study above with even lower levels of EMF exposure.
  • The environmental research group (2018) said that Wi-Fi is “an important threat to human health” sighting that it causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects, cellular DNA damage and endocrine changes.

I believe it’s becoming harder and harder to become well while living in the presence of such extreme radiation. EMF’s can put the body into a crisis state and if the body is not optimized to handle these non-native signals, then it becomes a silent poison to the body.

Ramazzini Institute Study on Base Station Radiofrequency Radiation: Teleconference March 22, 2018

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What is EMF radiation and where does it come from?

In short, EMF stands for “electromagnetic fields”. In plain English, we are talking about radiation.

When we are talking about EMF radiation we are normally referring to radiation from everyday sources such as:

  • Wi-Fi signals
  • Routers
  • Baby monitors
  • Smartphones
  • Smart meters
  • Access Points
  • Thermostats
  • Smart TVs
  • Gaming consoles
  • Wireless cameras
  • Wireless printers
  • Smart watches
  • Car stereos
  • Remote controls
  • etc.

There are two different types of EMF radiation we are especially concerned about. These are:

  1. ELF radiation (extremely low frequencies)
    ELF stands “Extremely Low Frequencies” and we find this type of radiation around power lines, electric wiring, transformers, and all electrical devices.
    • These are the most common places the ELF radiation becomes problematic:
      • Chargers for electronic devices
        Many of our electronic devices need to get charged. This goes for laptops, smartphones, Bluetooth devices, tablets, etc. These chargers convert the power from the power socket so it fits our device. This is done with the use of transformers. That’s basically what’s inside a charger.
      • Electrical Wiring
        Our houses are full of electric wiring in the walls and every time you have an electrical wire or a cord you will also have ELF radiation. Electricity creates electromagnetic fields which is a two-dimensional field consisting of the magnetic and an electric field.
      • Power Lines
        Powerlines and high-voltage power lines are probably the most common sources of problematic ELF radiation around our houses. It’s important to pay attention to because every time you have power lines you will typically also have a strong generator that converts the power.
  2. RF (radio frequencies) And Microwaves
    This is radiation from everything that sends out a wireless signal. So, we are talking about everything from baby monitors and radios to Wi-Fi and smartphones. We also have limits on how much radiation these devices are allowed to send out. Unfortunately, more often than not these limits are based on scenarios where we are using these wireless technologies away from our bodies. The problems arise when we are using our phones next to our ears, our tablets in our hands, our wifi routers near our sofas and beds, etc.

What are symptoms of EMF exposure?

The potential health effects from man-made EMF are still being researched and have been cause for considerable debate among doctors and scientists. Many believe that even low-frequency EMFs are carcinogenic and related to higher incidences of degenerative disease. Others wave it off as bunk, because the data is inconclusive. How to protect yourself from EMF’s is important to reduce these symptoms.

symptoms of EMF exposure

The 10 most common EMF exposure symptoms:

  1. Headaches
  2. Tension headaches along the sides of the head and temple area
  3. Heart palpitations and a pressure in the chest
  4. Feeling that the heart wants to jump out of the chest while at the same time the chest is being stepped upon
  5. Skin burning, redness, rashes and tingling particularly on the face and arms.
  6. Difficulty sleeping, including interrupted, light, or dreamless sleep.
  7. Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  8. Fatigue and tiredness during the day (even after many hours of sleep, tiredness pervades the day)
  9. Cognitive decline
  10. Memory and concentration difficulties – a “brain fog” and feeling that one’s brain has aged 30 years in a short period of time.

How to measure your home for EMF

To simplify this, the best method to measure EMF in your home is with an EMF meter.

It’s a handheld device that detects ionizing radiation like Gamma Rays and beta particles in the environment.

The EMF meter I would recommend is the TriField TF2. With this meter, you can measure all three types of non-ionizing EMFs in one reasonably priced and reasonably accurate device.

Guide on how to measure your home with an EMF meter

How to protect yourself from EMF’s

Fortunately, there are simple and effective steps you can take to minimize the risks of dirty electricity. Education is key.  Let’s take a look at the best ways to protect yourself from EMF’s. It’s important to decrease the levels around your bedrooms and other places where you tend to stay for longer periods of time or where you rest.

Avoid body contact and keep your distance

The more distance between smart phones, smart meters, or high-voltage power lines, the less you will be exposed. EMF’s dissipate the further away you are.

Always use the speaker function on your phone and never hold it directly to your ear. Stop using wireless ear buds and use a radiation free headset. Same goes with your laptop, if you use one. Do not keep it directly on your lap and consider getting an EMF shield to use underneath it.

NEVER keep your phone in your bra or your pocket. There have been many studies that have shown women getting tumors in those exact same spots. Use a faraday bag for protection.

Consider blue blocking glasses. As a licensed optician I know very well the harm that blue light causes. It is a known fact that blue light has a negative impact on melatonin production, which is why it keeps us awake. It also has the opposite effect on another hormone called cortisol. High cortisol levels are associated with stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

Install a smart meter cover and try to place beds as far away from the household smart meter as possible. You can call or email your utility company and ask to opt out of your digital reader and ask for a manual one. This website has a great sample letter you can send.

Turn your breaker to your bedroom off at night or at the very least turn your wifi router off. You can purchase great shields for routers. If you have to leave your phone in the bedroom, leave it on airplane mode.

Go wired if you can

It may feel like you’re going back in time but the reality is, hardwired connections for internet, phone lines, various cables, baby monitors, etc; will reduce the EMFs within the home.

Use a hardwired mouse and keyboard.

Consider hardwiring your internet. You can purchase powerline adapters to have additional ethernets throughout the house and it is a great solution. You ideally would want to use ethernet cables for all things like your computers, landlines, and tv streaming.

DO NOT USE WIRELESS BABY MONITORS. We have used the infant optics DRX and it works perfect. Use hard wired surveillance cameras instead of wireless ones.

Reduce the use and amount of devices you have

Simply put, the less time on your devices better. Go back to the ancient days for awhile and find entertainment outside your four walls. Try to keep your phones far away from you as possible when you are not using them. Turn off the bluetooth in your car. Ditch your microwave and try to avoid smart appliances in your home. No one needs all these new tech savy gadgets! Get back to the simple life and you’ll be healthier in the long run.

Supplements as internal EMF protection
  • Magnesium Bicarbonate: You want to supplement with a highly absorbable form of magnesium to reduce these symptoms. With magnesium acting to fuel our anti-oxidant enzymes, it ultimately has the ability to help decrease oxidative stress due to sustained EMF exposure.
  • Whole food Vitamin C: “Henry Lai and Narendra Singh at the University of Washington found that EMF-induced DNA damage could be blocked with antioxidants used before and after exposure. Vitamin C, E, caffeic acid, and melatonin are said to be helpful against microwaves, based on rat studies.”
  • Flavonoids from turmeric: It is not only a potent antioxidant and anti-cancer food, but may also aid in DNA repair and in binding iron, according to neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock
  • Zinc: Another recommended element which helps preserve levels of antioxidants in the blood and protect cell membranes.

5 ways to protect yourself from EMF's

Additional resources on how to protect yourself from EMF’s

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional, and this post should not be taken as medical advice. Please do your own research. Material on this blog is provided for informational purposes only. It is general information that may not apply to you as an individual, and is not a substitute for your own doctor’s medical care or advice.


  1. This is so helpful! I have been feeling so overwhelmed trying to understand EMFs and how I can start protecting my family better. Thank you for sharing ❤️

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