The Ultimate 3-Day Bone Broth Fast Guide for Beginners

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The ultimate 3 day bone broth fast guide for beginners
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Have you been looking for a way to reset your body and improve your health? A three-day bone broth fast might just be what you need! In this article, I will provide you with the ultimate 3-day bone broth fast guide for beginners. We’ll cover everything from the benefits of bone broth fasting to how to prepare for your fast, what to expect during your fast, and how to break your fast safely. So, grab a cup of bone broth and let’s get started on your journey to better health.

Why would someone want to do a 3-day bone broth fast?

Bone broth is ancient wild wisdom that works directly with the gut, immune system, energy levels, and whole system to bring you back to balance and flow. Bring you in grounded, centered, and focused energy. Here are some reasons why you would want to consider a bone broth fast:

Gut health: 

Bone broth is rich in collagen and other nutrients that can help to support gut health. Consuming bone broth during a fast can give your digestive system a break and help to heal the gut lining.

Weight loss: 

Bone broth fasting can be an effective way to support weight loss, as it can help to reduce calorie intake and promote fat burning. However, it’s important to note that any weight loss during the fast is likely to be temporary, and sustainable weight loss requires long-term changes in diet and lifestyle.

Infographics on the benefits of bone broth


Bone broth fasting can help to support the body’s natural detoxification processes by reducing the intake of processed foods, alcohol, and other toxins. It’s truly a great reset for your system.

Joint health:

Bone broth is rich in collagen and other nutrients that can help to support joint health and reduce inflammation. Consuming bone broth during a fast can help to reduce joint pain and stiffness.

Immune system support: 

Bone broth contains amino acids and other nutrients that can help to support the immune system. Consuming bone broth during a fast can help to boost immunity and reduce the risk of illness.

Are there different methods of doing bone broth fasting?

Yes, there are different methods of bone broth fasting, depending on your personal preferences and goals. Here are some of the most common methods:

  1. Full fast: This is the most common form of bone broth fasting, where you consume only bone broth, water, and tea for a set period, typically 1-3 days. This method is best for optimal results and a total reset on your gut and true detoxification.
  1. Partial fast: This method involves replacing one or two meals a day with bone broth, while still consuming solid foods for the rest of the day. If you are new to fasting or are feeling light-headed, it’s okay to include one small meal of grass-fed meat and vegetables for every 24 hours of fasting.
  1. Intermittent fast: This involves restricting food intake to a set time each day, typically 8-10 hours, and consuming bone broth during the fasting period. This can be an effective way to promote weight loss and support overall health.

How to prepare for the fast

I recommend going about these helpful tips before starting the fast. It’s best to be well prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually for a successful fast.

Stock up on high-quality bone broth

This is the most crucial step in preparing for the fast. You will be consuming approx. 24 ounces every 3 hours (about 3 cups), so you will want to make sure you have enough broth on hand. 

Consuming homemade broth is far superior and the best route to go. There are other alternatives that I will recommend below if that is not an option for you. Here are some great simple easy homemade broth ideas to get you started!

If you want to purchase bone broth from a store or even online there are two brands I am very fond of because the quality is amazing. You want broth that is made from grass-fed, organic bones, as this will ensure that you are getting the best possible nutrients.  Once their broth is defrosted you can see the glorious gelatin settle at the top which is what you are looking for in a bone broth. Those two brands are:

You can also purchase a Bone Broth powder and make it using filtered water. This Brand does all third-party testing and is Made from 100% USDA Organic and free-range chickens. You can order it HERE and read all about their process of making this supplement and different recipes. This is a staple in my home for quick easy recipes and also to just make a nice warm cup of bone broth to sip on.


Plan when you can relax

The biggest mistake you can make is not mentally preparing yourself. You want to plan this around a time you don’t have much going on. The less stress, the better. You’ll most certainly deal with some irritability and cravings. 

Taking the time to relax, journal, nap, and indulge in self-care or home projects will certainly keep you on track. Take a warm bath using magnesium flakes that will help aid in your detox and also relax your muscles and bowel movements.

Get outdoors and do some grounding, sun gazing, and meditation and take in all the benefits.


Break your fast properly

It’s important to listen to your body and introduce foods slowly after the fast to ensure you do not experience any digestive issues. You may want to consider adding one food at a time and monitoring your body’s response. By gradually introducing nutrient-dense foods, you can support your body’s health and continue to reap the benefits of the bone broth fast. This is also a great way to determine food sensitivities you may have been having.

Some foods that you may want to consider once you break the fast are:

  • Fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, and yogurt.
  • Non-starchy vegetables such as leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, and bell peppers.
  • Healthy fats such as avocados, Extra Virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter.
  • High-quality protein sources such as eggs and grass-fed meats.

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How to do a 3-day bone broth fast

I’ve covered different methods and how to prepare, so let’s break down how to complete a 3-day bone broth fast.

Plan to fast for three days. This amount of time is best for helping kill off harmful bacteria in the gut, repair the GI tract, and repopulate the gut with probiotics.

If you are properly prepared, you should have a fridge stocked with bone broth! Upon waking, the first thing I do is warm up some filtered water and drink 16oz of lemon, Celtic sea salt, and water. This will help boost digestion and aid in cleansing the liver. 

Shortly after, you can consume your first 2-3 cups of bone broth. You can add herbs or spices such as turmeric and ginger, as well as pinches of Celtic sea salt to flavor the broth and increase nutritional density.  Note: If dealing with bloating, digestive stress, or autoimmune flare, hold all additives and just do broth to limit antigens and potential reactions. You will need to consume 2-3 cups of bone broth every 2-3 hours throughout the day.

A Glass mug filled with bone broth and herbs sitting on a white round dish that is on a white kitchen counter

Here’s an outline of my 3 day fast:

Breakfast: 16oz warm water with lemon and Celtic Sea salt. Shortly after I’ll make a matcha tea with 1 Tbsp of coconut oil.

Snack: 16 oz Bone Broth with a pinch of Celtic Sea salt

Lunch: 16 oz Bone Broth, 1 Tbsp ghee, pinch turmeric powder, pinch of Celtic Sea salt

Snack: 16 oz Bone Broth with pinch of Celtic Sea salt

Dinner: 16 oz Bone Broth, 1 Tbsp ghee, pinch turmeric powder, pinch of Celtic Sea salt

Note: If you are underweight or at an ideal body fat and not looking to stress out your system, I like to add 3 Tbsp of fat blended into my bone broth.

How to modify your bone broth fast

If fasting for 3 days with just bone broth seems a bit extreme, you can modify this fast to suit your needs and still achieve most of the benefits.

You can do an intermittent fast approach. Fasting for 16 hours and then consume 1 light meal in an 8-hour window. 

For example, you could fast 8pm-12pm while sleeping and in the morning only have water, black coffee, or tea. Then at noon or so, have 2-3 cups of bone broth and 1 Tbsp of fat such as butter or coconut oil to break the fast and sip on another 2-3 cups of broth another time through the day as a snack. You can have 1 light meal daily such as bone broth blended with sauteed spinach and topped with a poached egg. This meal provides protein and fat to aid with satiety but keeps your roughage and veggie fiber low. 

If your digestive system is not inflamed you could do a meal of 5-7oz protein, 1-2 cups of veggies, and 1 Tbsp fat while cooking such as olive oil or coconut oil.

10 Benefits from a bone broth fast

Bone broth is a source of several key nutrients, including amino acids, collagen, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Here are some of the benefits of consuming bone broth while fasting:

  1. Supports gut health
  2. Helps Detoxify the Liver and Digestive System
  3. More youthful-looking skin thanks to the collagen
  4. Supports joint health
  5. Boosts immune system
  6. May support weight loss
  7. Promotes healthy bones
  8. Helps with hydration
  9. It supplies important minerals
  10. Reduction of fasting insulin and insulin resistance

Once you’ve completed a bone broth fast, you’ll be in better shape to start a healthier way of eating that eliminates certain ingredients you might not have realized caused you discomfort.

In some ways, a bone broth fast can act like an elimination diet, helping pinpoint which foods might trigger symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, and low energy.

Are there any risks or side effects to a bone broth fast?

While bone broth fasting can provide many benefits, it’s important to note that there are some risks and potential side effects to consider. There are people with certain conditions who may not be a good candidate for fasting. If you are someone that:

  • Is pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Has a history of an eating disorder or digestive disorder
  • has hypoglycemia (Uncontrolled glucose levels)
  • relies on certain medications that need to be taken daily (most have to be taken with food, so consult with your doctor)

Try your best to use your common sense while fasting. If you are feeling dizzy, nauseous, or very lethargic then it might be in your best interest to do a partial fast and incorporate 1 meal like we talked about above.

Herbs to consider while on a bone broth fast

There are some herbs that I like to take while on a fast to help drive the detoxification process. Some herbs that are commonly used for liver detoxification include:

  • Milke Thistle: can help increase bile production, which aids in the elimination of toxins.
  • Dandelion root: contains compounds that can help stimulate liver detoxification enzymes and aid in the elimination of toxins.
  • Turmeric: contains a compound called curcumin, which has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

I like to consume these herbs in tea form and drink in between the time I am consuming the bone broth.


You’ve made it to the end of my ultimate 3-day bone broth fast guide for beginners! Fasting with bone broth can be a powerful tool for promoting overall health and wellness. Not only can it support gut health and reduce inflammation, but it can also help detoxify your liver and digestive system. Remember, preparation and self-care are key to a successful fast. Make sure to properly hydrate, get adequate rest, and break your fast with nutritious foods to ensure a smooth transition back to regular eating. With this guide, you now have all the knowledge and tools to embark on your bone broth fast and reap the benefits for your mind and body. Happy fasting!

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The Ultimate 3-Day Bone Broth Fast Guide for Beginners

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional, and this post should not be taken as medical advice. Please do your own research. Material on this blog is provided for informational purposes only. It is general information that may not apply to you as an individual and is not a substitute for your own doctor’s medical care or advice.

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  1. I’ve always wanted to be a bone broth drinker. I definitely want to do this once I’m all through with pregnancy and breastfeeding! Definitely want to incorporate a cup a day in the meantime!

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